Lately I've been lightly obsessed with the new image of Miley Cyrus. Would you have told me that at least a year ago, I'd tell you to check into a mental institution. I never really liked her, she was too sweet for my taste, but the shorter her hair got, the higher her cool factor rose. And I admit, I love the short haired Miley and her new, lightly provocative, style. She's not that sweet teenager anymore. And the idiots that say that girls with short hair are not sexy, are, well, idiots and blind. I can only admire a girl that can carry such a short do, because I FOH SURE couldn't.
Pharell Williams is currently producing her new record and that promises some good tunes, that are not country.
She's gracing the cover of two magazines at the moment, V and Elle UK. The shoot for V Magazine is done by the legendary Mario Testino and the result is pretty darn nice. I'm def. getting both of them.
Here're both shoots and some more Miley inspiration.
Elle UK
What are your thoughts on her new style?