
I'm totally obsessed with kimonos and oriental prints. I dream about a perfect vintage piece, but they are hard to find and quite expensive. The fact that Zara has a large collection of them at the moment, doesn't really help. I WANT THEM ALL! Because I know I'll wear them till they fall apart.
But before I get my hands on some new ones, I want to show you the one I already have.
I also scored this one at Zara, during the sale, about two years ago. It's a super lightweight silk (so soooft) .Luckily fashion is like a treadmill, before you know, the old is back to new again, but a kimono never goes out of style.

To the Belgian people: Enjoy your day off! I'll be sick in my bed and back to work tomorrow. 

Wearing: Zara kimono & skirt, Wild Doll wedges, c/o Prada Baroque sunglasses, DIY earrings, Storm ring.

I'm not sure how I got my legs that tanned already, but the picture looks a bit darker.

Changing back to comfortable shoes to take a walk, these wedges aren't really walk material.