No, I'm not extremely lazy to post my Halloween post just now. It happened so that we celebrated a week later than usual this year, but if it's okay to celebrate Christmas for a whole month, why not enjoy Halloween a bit longer too?!
Third year in a row, I celebrated Halloween at Annebeth's house, I came to love and look forward to this little tradition! My boyfriend joined me for the first time and it was his very first dressed up Halloween ever. I must say that I'm so proud of his costume and hair, as he did it al by himself. He was dressed as Sweeney Todd and I think it turned out damn nice!
I chose to go as Maleficent, she was always an impressive villain and off course Angelina Jolie (HERO) made her even more appealing. I came to the party straight from work and did my make-up on the train. The dude across from me thought I was a fat weirdo for contouring like crazy and I gave him the evil eye. I actually didn't even try on my costume as a whole until the party. Adult life is busy! I won the horns from a fellow blogger Petra (eternal gratitude), I had the top lying around and bought the skirt at a thrift store T2 for 3 euros. I'm so happy with how it turned out as a whole, I'm certainly recycling this look in the future.
We had such a nice time, our group was just a perfect mix and we laughed our asses off. The food was delish, everyone cooked something and the wine was flowing. What else do you need for a good party?
I already look forward to next year and hope we'll keep the tradition going (wink).
Thanks for having us, gurl!
Trying the Khaleesi wig, I kinda dig the platina blond on me!

The theme for the evening was fairy tales, but we broden it out to films and TV-shows too.
Our group for the evening was, from lef to right: Khal Drogo, Daenerys Targaryen, Puss in Boots, a Zombie, Princess Peach, Agent Cooper & The Log Lady (Twin Peaks), Maleficent and Sweeney Todd,
Tell me, did you dress up this year?
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