In our four year relationship I never been to the seaside with my boyfriend, that needed to change! So we took the train and the rest is happy history. We spent the passed Saturday in Oostende, probably the most touristic Belgian cities on the seashore and my boyfriend is a major culture buff, we went to see the Napoleons fort. I was fine with just being lazy on the beach, but was super glad we went to discover this fort. It was just two stops away from the central station on the coast tram, but took us to a whole new, quiet and pretty untouristic part of Oostende. The fort was built on the hill and just below it outstreched lay the almost empty beach. We had all kinds of weather that day, it was mostly warm and windy, but not as sunny, which actually was perfect. After exploring the fort we just chilled on the beach for a few hours and even went for a short swim, but the water was still pretty icy. In the evening we went out for dinner in the center of the cities. Crazy how one day at the seaside can give a feeling of being on vacation.
Overall it was a weekend of total happiness. You know these rare times of pure happiness? This weekend was it. We just put all our worries behind and had some good old quality time.
And took outfit pictures, on the roof of the fort, hah! I didn't wear anything special, mostly comfy beach clothes, but overall like the simple look. Also finally got to take my new Birckenstocks out for a spin. End up wearing them for two days and just don't know, soles of my feet were pretty sore after. I'm a feet freak (cries in a corner).
Wearing: JBC top, Agent Provocateur bra, Forever 21 skirt, Birckenstock slippers, Zara sunnies.
How you guys are spending your Summer days?