Fringed boots, lace top and fresh ombre

This week has been full of up's and downs. I've managed to get sick once again and have been feeling like crap, to say the least, the whole week. While being sick I still managed to work long days, get my hair done and go to Justin Timberlake's gig (which was absolutely mind blowing btw). 
I hope that I will feel better next week, because (insert drumroll) I'll be starting at my new job on Monday. I'm both extremely excited and nervous for my first days and weeks. I promise to tell you more about it when the time is right, but I'll say that I'll be working for one of worlds leading fashion brands.
Tomorrow will be my last day at my current job, yes working in retail also means occasionally working on Sunday. I'll miss my colleagues, but I'm happy to move on to something better.

Two highlights of the week were getting my ombre freshen up and seeing Justin Timberlake last night. The concert was soo great, I can't get over it! Though I felt horrible prior to it, Justin managed to make me feel better and I danced my ass off and screamed like a teenage girl. We were standing pretty close to him, so it was even more special. Seriously didn't think he would have such an effect on me. Definitely going back to see him with his next show!

This post is getting kinda long, but bear with me, outfit pictures are coming. I finally managed to snap my new favorite Ash fringed booties I recently got from I didn't own any Ash shoes yet, but the boots are so comfortable that I'll be looking out for more shoes from the brand. Sometimes price just makes all the difference, my feet usually can't handle cheap shoes. 

I'm loving the overall look of the outfit. It's perfect for laid back Summer nights and my hair looks nice, straight after the hairdresser's.

Wearing: c/o River Island cardigan, Oasap top, Agent Provocateur bra, H&M jeans and serpent ring, c/o Ash boots via Cloggs.

The heel hight of the boots is perfect for everyday use and I love how they already look a bit worn.