Hello, dear readers! You can say I've been sucked into deepest pits of my endless possesions. At the moment I'm moving in with my boyfriend and moving with my mom as well. So it's been a bit hectic, to say the least. You can't count how many times I cursed at the amount of stuff, especially clothes, that I posses. It's unreal, I got rid of so many things, but still, mountains of clothes remain. Hoping that dividing it all between two houses will be the ultimate solution.
Just to overthrow the moral of that little story to not hoard stuff. Here's a little competiton to win 12!! Pairs of Original Adidas Sneakers on Mainline Menswear. Adidas sneakers and especially Stan Smith's have made a huge comeback lately. If you want to be on point and maybe make your friends and family happy (okay with me if you're the greedy type), this is a contest for you. All you have to do is fill in your details and done. the contest is open to worldwide audience and will end on 15th of March. I know what I'll be wearing this Spring
I'm in, and how bout you?
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