Here I'm, still alive. Another way too long blogging absence, work more, blog less kind of thing.
I had a long weekend off last week and the most amazing thing happened, my nephew, whom I haven't seen for about 20 years!! came to Brussels with a surprise visit. I can't even describe how nice it was to finally see him again. The day after I was a bit sick and didn't come out of bed and this week I have been working and
am sick again on my day off. Working tomorrow again, you can say it has been a hard week, so no outfit pictures, but I'll be doing my best to catch up this weekend.
Though, I have been productive with my CFTB pledge. Yes, I'm still at it, my goal to getting fit takes more and more form. In my case in the form of arm muscles.
Always when I flexed my arms with full force you couldn't feel a thing, but I started lifting weights again and just after a week the result was already there. So toned down arms are definitely happening for the Summer.
I'd hate to get those floppy arms when ageing and doing weights is an easy and quick way to keep your arms in shape. I do about 10 minutes of excersises a day at home, perfect when you're as tired in the evening as moi or just generally lazy. If you are interested, here's a work-out I do every day.
Also another good news, I finally got that fitness card and convinced (forced) the bf to get one too, so we could work-out together. I got a card from Basic Fit, one for the year, but where you can pay only 17,99 a month, which is ideal for me. I actually look forward to my time in the fitness and even made a work-out mix on my iPod. One with really hard music and the other with Pop songs, depending on my mood. Currently very much digging my new training shoes.
Also slowly picking up different outfits for the fitness, also important, right?! I love the 'Start Moving' sports collection from Bershka. Affordable and pretty gear, just what I need right now! Very much in love with that sweater.
With all this life going on I missed my blog birthday this month. Can't believe my blog is already 5 years old. I still haven't reached that world domination blog status, but I still love this mine little place of online life.
So a little 'yay' for me and my blog. You must admit this shows some devotion.