Goodbye is Hello

So this is what'll be the last post of this year for me.
This year has been special, I can't say good or bad, 'cause both sides of the medal were always there. All I can tell that I learned a lot about myself and about other people. What I realized is that you have to listen to your heart, because within it always lies the truth and by finding the inner truth, you find happiness and peace. Don't be afraid to be happy, you can't sacrifice yourself all the time. Live, enjoy, love! This all may sound corny, but this is really the way I feel.
This year has been one of major change, life changing, you can say.

Blogging has been going up and down as well, but I do my best.
Thanx to the blog I learned a lot of new and interesting people, new opportunities came along.
One of my New Years resolutions is blogging improvement, I do lack discipline sometimes.
But combining blogging with studying and a private life is not easy, but then again, whom am I telling this?! You all know that!
I want to thank all of my readers and occasional guest for the nice comments and response I've received the past year. I appreciate it so much!

I also realized that I have the best friends in the whole world, whom I love dearly. Although I don't always get the chance to see them, we stick together through the years. And to the one who reads me here: "I love you, guys! Thank you for supporting me no matter what."

And to all you I wish a happy New Year! I hope you can celebrate it with your loved ones, may that be friends or family. I hope 2011 brings you something real and important, maybe something you wish for even will come true.

I'll see you in 2011!


In the mean time you can follow me on my new Tumblr account for some inspirational images.


  1. Ik wens je nu al een Happy 2011. :D

    x Krizia

  2. Ik jou ook! Hopelijk krijg ik jou meermaals te zien int nieuw jaar ;) xxx

  3. i completly feel the same as everything u said in this post. i struggled with the exact same things this year. this is why i almsot feel like this post was written for me. i tried to make one of my resolutions that next year i will try to give blogging a much bigger attention and hopfeully post more regularly. lets hope i will stick to it and so will u. we will discipline each other K?

  4. een super fasjionable 2011 gewenst!
